Mining sites can be very harsh and challenging environments: explosions, mining procedures, the inevitable development of substances and gases, the conservation of raw materials, contaminated access roads, transportation, ...

Many of the harmful consequences of mining are virtually irreversible when left untreated. Given the strict regulations on emissions (among others), mines and quarries have no choice but to take the necessary measures to avoid fines, strikes,...

Thanks to the micro-droplets emitted by our Misting Group high-pressure misting systems, our misting techniques are the most efficient and effective solutions to solve most of the problems associated with mining.
Our 70 bar high-pressure pumps are designed to operate in the harshest and toughest conditions.

  • Dust suppression

  • Air purification

Dust suppression

Dust is a common problem in mining and quarry operations. This problem is not only caused by the mining itself, but also by the heavy vehicles driving back and forth.

With a Misting Group high-pressure misting system, a dense fog of micro-droplets will be created. The dust particles will be encapsulated by the micro-droplets, increasing the mass of the dust particles and forcing them to fall down instead of spreading. This way we can avoid the risk of health problems among workers, problems with the neighbourhood, machine failure, ...

Depending on the circumstances, different techniques are being used: For controlled demolitions, we recommend our powerful misting cannons. For smaller zones like conveyor belts and crushers, the modular misting lines are the ideal solution.

Our Heavy Dust Engine has extremely powerful nozzles to fight the dust at its origin. The system is installed on the hydraulic system of the machine and connected to a waterreservoir.

All systems can be tailor-made to suit every required application.

Air purification

On a mining site or in a quarry, there’s always a risk that the ambient air is loaded with dust particles such as soot, minerals, … which can cause serious nuisance for the workers as well as the environment, machines,...

The micro-droplets, formed by our Misting Group system, will increase the mass of the thus particles and keep them from spreading through the air.


Used for, among other things:

Controlled demolition - extraction industry - mining - quarries


High pressure fogging is a frequently used application with impressive results in a wide variety of industries. Our products are designed for both sophisticated and heavy duty applications.
Misting Group applications can be automated with numerous accessories: temperature and humidity sensors, timers, interval timers, tailor-made control panels, ...