A good and healthy climate in animal enclosures will result in healthier and happier animals, which has a direct impact on production and yields. Misting Group high pressure misting systems guarantee an optimal climate in animal enclosures, especially in warm periods.

The applications below demonstrate the plurality of benefits that can be obtained with one and the same system.

  • Adiabatic cooling

  • Odeur and dust suppression

  • Bug control

  • Disinfection:

Adiabatic cooling

In recent years, heat waves have become more the rule than the exception. These high temperatures can be extremely harmful for many farm animals. Heat stress can result in reduced production, disease and even death of the animal.

For a dairy cow with severe heat stress, it can take up to a month before the animal is fully recovered and produces normally.

With the implementation of a Misting Group system, we can cool the air up to 12°C (53,6°F) without wetting the animals. The water is pushed through the nozzles under a pressure of 70 bar, creating fine micro-droplets between 5 and 10µ. During the evaporation process, these micro-droplets will extract energy (in the form of heat) from the air, which results in a temperature drop of the ambient air.

Our experts will meticulously calculate the necessary equipment as well as the size and integration of the nozzles in function of the dimensions of the room, the desired temperature and/or humidity in such a way that no saturation of the air occurs.
This entire process can be automated with control panels and sensors.

Adiabatic cooling is the most economical, ecological and efficient application to cool animal enclosures.


Odeur and dust suppression

Farm animals often cause a lot of dust. And the excrement they leave behind comes with an unpleasant and sometimes even dangerous odeurs (ammonia).

With a Misting Group high pressure misting system, a homogeneous mist of micro-droplets is being formed. The odour particles are being encapsulated by the micro-droplets and will fall down, avoiding a further dispersion of the dust particles.

The effect of odour suppression via high pressure misting can be increased by adding a human and animal-friendly neutralizer to the mist via the built-in dosing pump.

Misting Group experts will always make sure that the mist doesn't fall down on the animal, creating a thermal blanket which could be harmful for the animal.

Bug control

No more insect nuisance or overload with a Misting Group high pressure misting system.

Our 70 bar high pressure misting systems produce a dense mist of micro-droplets, resulting in an increase of the humidity in the ambient air and thus creating a hygrometric climate that is not appreciated by lost insects. To optimize the effectiveness of the bug control system, a biological insecticide can be added to the mist via the integrated dosing pump.


A disinfectant can be added to the mist via the integrated dosing pump. This way, the animal disclosure can be efficiently disinfected when the animals are elsewhere.  A great advantage of Misting Group is the homogeneous distribution of the product, even into the smallest hidden corners of the room. Depending on the dimensions of the infrastructure and the rooms or areas to be disinfected, an additional misting system may be recommended.


Used for, among other things:

Dairy cattle - pigs - goats - horses - poultry - snails - entomoculture


Misting Group offers a wide range of professional and sustainable high pressure misting solutions for the agricultural sector. Our experienced team is looking forward to guiding you through the full installation process.

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