Until some years ago, festival and event organizers used a fire hose to cool down large crowds in extreme warm periods. But due to the huge amount of water that is being used to do so, watering audiences is no longer justified today.

Misting Group high-pressure misting systems are not only more ecological and economical, but also more efficient and pleasant for the crowd, because the micro-droplets cool down without wetting.

Thanks to the qualitative components, all the necessary filters and UV lamps, bacteria are being treated, making our systems completely safe to use in the vicinity of people.

For events we offer products for sale as well as for rent. Our rental department has a large stock of systems for temporary use.

  • Open air cooling

  • Special effects

  • Odour control

  • Scent marketing

Open air cooling

Every event and festival organizer wants to guarantee an optimal visitors experience, also in warm periods. Misting Group high-pressure systems are not only the perfect, most ecological and efficient solution for outdoor cooling of large audiences, it also increases the safety of the audience. High-pressure misting became therefore indispensable on summer events.

Odour control

Toilets and sanitary installations can cause odour nuisance on festivals and events. By simply adding an aroma to the mist, via the integrated dosing pump, unpleasant odours can be controlled.

Special effects

Misting Group high-pressure systems develop a fine mist of micr-droplets. The density of the mist can be adjusted to the intended application. Misting Group is frequently used as a special effect in combination with fountains, light effects, pyro, ...

Scent marketing

Via the integrated dosing pump, scants can be added to the mist. This is the perfect solution for an aroma experience or even scent marketing. A certain sponsor campaign could for example be supported through scent marketing.


Used for, among other things:

Events - festivals - temporary events



High pressure fogging is a frequently used application with impressive results in a wide variety of industries. Our products are designed for both sophisticated and heavy duty applications.
Misting Group applications can be automated with numerous accessories: temperature and humidity sensors, timers, interval timers, tailor-made control panels, ...