In landscaping, Misting Group high-pressure misting systems offer many efficient and sometimes even necessary applications with benefits for the plants as well as for the people.

Misting Group has therefore become a popular novelty in the design of parks, public squares, zoos, private gardens, terraces, open-air clubs, theme parks, botanic gardens,...

  • Flora hygrometry

  • Insect control

  • Adiabatic cooling 

  • Visual/decorative

Flora hygrometry

Misting Group high-pressure misting systems will create a mist of very fine micro-droplets moisturizing without wetting the plants. Bigger droplets can be harmful for the plants.
With a Misting Group the optimal climate and air humidity  for the plantation will be guaranteed.

This entire process can be automated with a timer, a temperature and humidity controller and sensors.

Insect control

In nature and wooded areas insectes can be a real nuisance. But this problem can be easily, efficiently and ecologically solved with the implementation of a Misting Group high-pressure misting system: via the integrated dosing pump insect repellant aroma’s can be added to the mist. Luckily, most insect repellent aromas are often experienced as pleasant by humans.

In addition to the above, most insects don’t favor the high humidity climate that is being created by the Misting Group high-high pressure system.

Adiabatic cooling

The only economical and ecological way to cool down large outdoor volumes is through adiabatic cooling.  Our high-pressure misting systems will force the water under high pressure (70 bar) through the nozzles, creating a fine mist of micro-droplets.

Adiabatic cooling is the process whereby the micro-droplets extract energy (in the form of heat) from the air, resulting in a temperature drop of up to 12°C (53,6°F).


Adding a Misting Group high-pressure misting system to the design of a garden, park, public space,... is adding an extra magical dimension to your design.

In addition to the numerous practical applications, misting has a high esthetic added value to any design: due to the density and the organic character of the Misting Group, the scenery in which it’s being used will get more body and the impression of coming to life.


Used for, among other things:

Parks - public places - squares - zoos - botanic gardens - theme parks - terraces - private gardens - open-air clubs


High pressure fogging is a frequently used application with impressive results in a wide variety of industries. Our products are designed for both sophisticated and heavy duty applications.
Misting Group applications can be automated with numerous accessories: temperature and humidity sensors, timers, interval timers, tailor-made control panels, ...