Misting Group industrial misting systems are specially designed to operate in heavy environments like industry, construction and public works.

Our products are of high robuste quality and always adaptable to any desired misting application. Misting Group professional high-pressure misting systems are ideal for dust control, odour control, thermal and hygrometric regulation, optimization of industrial processes and the control of static electricity.

  • Dust suppression

  • Odour suppression

  • Hygrometry

  • Static electricity

  • Adiabatic cooling

Dust suppression

In the industrial sector, dust is a well-known problem that can have a detrimental impact on various levels: unhealthy working conditions for employees, nuisance to heavy equipment and transportation, whether or not accompanied by breakdowns, dusty work floors, loss of (raw) materials, dirty access road, nuisance for the environment,...

With the implementation of a Misting Group high-pressure misting system, the dust particles will be encapsulated by the micro-droplets forcing them to fall down instead of spreading.
Depending on the circumstances, different techniques are being used:

For larger volumes we recommend our heavy duty misting cannons, whereas for the rather smaller volumes like conveyor belts and mixers, ... we mostly opt for the modular misting lines. For demolition works, it’s important to fight the dust at its origin, which is now possible with our specially designed Heavy Dust Engine: the high-performance nozzles are installed on the machine’s drill, bucket or cutter and connected directly to the machine’s hydraulic system and water reservoir.

High-pressure misting is frequently used to combat and control dust overload in quarries, dusty storages, waste processing companies, demolitions, controlled explosions (e.g. mineral extraction)


Certain industrial processes require a strict hygrometric climate. Whether it concerns the storage of goods, industrial processes or optimization of industrial machines, etc., Magis Mist high-pressure misting systems are the most economical, ecological and efficient application to regulate and control the air humidity.

This application is frequently used in printing shops, paper production, wine cellars, cheese maturing rooms,...

Static electricity

Static electricity is the logical consequence of a lack of humidity in the ambient air, due to an excessive amount of electronic equipment, weather conditions, the use of certain products in industrial processes, ...

The consequences can be severe: risk of delayed industrial processes, computer failure, increased risk of breakdowns, explosions,allergic reactions, physical ailments, such as dry throat and stuffy nose,...

Misting Group high-pressure misting systems are connected to an air humidity controller and sensor, which will regulate the humidity without wetting the machines and electronic devices.

This application is frequently used in weaponry, pyrotechnics, printing shops, foundries, moulding factories,...

Odour suppression

Uncontrolled odour can have very diverse and harmful consequences: smelling and dangerous gases can have a negative impact in the working conditions and even the health of the employees, odours can be a nuisance to the surrounding (residential) regions, fauna and flora can be affected, ….

Odour control by high-pressure misting is the ideal, most efficient and ecological application for odour control and a proven successful solution for companies active in wastewater treatment, composting, recycling, ...

Misting Group high-pressure misting systems will create a homogenous mist of micro-droplets. These micro-droplets will encapsulate the odour particles, increasing the mass of these particles, which will force them to fall down instead of spreading around
The effect of this application can be optimized by adding a odour neutralizer to the mist via the built-in dosing pump.

Adiabatic cooling

Cooling large indoor and outdoor volumes is often very difficult or even impossible to achieve with the traditional air-conditioning techniques. And then we’re not even talking about the economic blow this would mean.

Adiabatic cooling is the process of the fine micro-droplets (5µ - 10µ) extracting energy (in the form of heat) from the ambient air, resulting in a temperature drop of up to 12°C (53,6°F).

Due to the regulated water and energy consumption, Misting Group high-pressure misting proves to be the most efficient, the most ecological and the most economical solution to achieve a significant temperature drop in large indoor or outdoor volumes.

This application is frequently used in large industrial plants, warehouses, data centers,...


Used for, among other things:

Minerals - ores ports - ores storage - cereal storage - wastewater treatment - industrial odour control - demolition - recycling dust - gas cooling - composting odour - asbestos


High pressure fogging is a frequently used application with impressive results in a wide variety of industries. Our products are designed for both sophisticated and heavy duty applications.
Misting Group applications can be automated with numerous accessories: temperature and humidity sensors, timers, interval timers, tailor-made control panels, ...