Animals usually adapt quite easily to their environment. But certain animals stay very sensitive to heat. Heat stress in farm animals is a frequent problem in warm periods. High (not even extreme) temperatures can be very harmful for the health of the animals and even cause death.
For production animals such as dairy cows, pigs, goats, … this can have a direct negative impact on both the quantity and quality of the products.
For performance animals such as horses, (police) dogs, … there’s a negative effect on the reactivity and performance of the animals.

The above mentioned heat problems can be avoided by the installation of a Misting Group high-pressure misting system. A 70 bar high-pressure pump will create a fine mist of micro-droplets. During the evaporation process of the micro-droplets, energy (in the form of heat) will be extracted from the air, resulting in a temperature drop up to 12°C (53,6°F).

In this application, it is of utmost importance that the mist doesn’t fall down on the animal. The mist would then work like a thermal blanket, preventing the animal’s body from losing heat. It’s therefore very important the animal housing is well ventilated and a maximum evaporation can be established.

Our experts are happy to make the required calculations for an optimal result.

 Additional advantages of high-pressure misting:

  • Insects do not like high air humidity and stay away from the animals.

  • The animals, their food, hay,... generate quite some dust in the animal enclosures or stables. High-pressure misting will prevent this dust from spreading around.

  • The micro-droplets of the mist will encapsulate the scent particles, preventing them from spreading around. This effect can be increased by adding a scent neutralizer to the mist via the integrated dosing pump.

  • The Misting Group misting system can also be used to clean and/or disinfect the animal enclosures. The disinfectant can be added via the dosing pump.

Misting Group offers the following solutions for livestock comfort

Misting lines in addition to existing ventilation:

Flexible HP tubing or pipes in stainless steel with nozzles are stretched at a predetermined height over the surface of the animal enclosure. A 70 bar Misting Group high-pressure misting system will create a homogeneous mist, causing a temperature drop of up to 12°C (53,6°F), without wetting the animals. This process is scientifically called adiabatic cooling.

The Misting Group high-pressure misting system can be automated by a temperature and humidity sensor, starting up the system when a certain pre programmed temperature is reached and shutting it down again when a certain humidity level is exceeded.

The existing ventilation system will make sure that the fresh mist and the cooled air are spread around the animal enclosure.

Misting fans with integrated nozzles

Should the existing ventilation system prove to be insufficient, additional fans must be installed in order to guarantee a good air flow. In this case, we recommend our Misting Group misting fans with integrated nozzle ring.

The fans are connected to a Misting Group HP Pro Box, creating the right amount of mist required for the adiabatic cooling process.

Our misting fans can be automated by temperature and humidity sensors, switching the system on and off when certain values are being exceeded. The system will automatically start up when a certain temperature is reached and switch off again when a maximum humidity is measured.

Nozzle ring

If fans are already present in the animal enclosures, it’s now possible to simply add a nozzle ring to the existing fans by a user-friendly click system.

The nozzle ring is connected to a Misting Group high-pressure misting system, which will form a homogeneous mist of micro-droplets that is required for the adiabatic cooling process.

The fans will make sure that the mist is spread around and has a good coverage over the animal enclosure. The fans will also prevent the mist from falling down on the animals.


All Misting Group misting systems can be automated by temperature and humidity sensors, switching the system on and off when certain values are being exceeded. The system will automatically start up when a certain temperature is reached and switch off again when a maximum humidity is measured.


Used for, among other things:

Cattle - goats - horses - sheep - poultry - birds - farm animals - livestock - snails - frogs - reptiles - etymology - dogs 


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